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CH 13 Review Question History of United States

CH 13 Review Question History of United States

Q Why did the nineteenth-century southern economy remain primarily agricultural?Why did the ideology of paternalism gain currency among planters in the nineteenth century?What types of resistance did slaves participate in, and why did slave resistance rarely take the form of rebellion?Why did the lives of plantation-belt yeomen and upcountry yeomen diverge?Why did many state legislatures pass laws restricting free blacks’ rights in the 1820s and 1830s?

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The 19th century southern economy remained primarily agricultural. The main reason for this was increase in the rate of practice of slavery. Secondly, the main agricultural product that was available in abundance in the farming fields was cotton. The slaves were used in these cotton fields. They were forced to pluck and plant cotton in the farm and they were restricted in doing that activity only and no other activity can be carried out by them. Therefore, agriculture remained basis of the southern economy during the 19th century.